Armel Ayimdji Tekemetieu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Armel is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Information Studies at McGill University under the supervision of Prof. Karyn Moffat. His postdoctoral Research focuses on reducing loneliness and social isolation of older adults by the integration of emotional artificial intelligence and evidence-based communication strategies from the health care practice in video conferencing tools.

Prior to joining McGill, Armel completed his PhD in Computer Science at Université de Sherbrooke where he worked on the development of ELLIOT (the angEL that Looks after residents of IOT environments), a cognitive assistant for smart homes, that provides to people with cognitive impairments, an adaptive resident-system interaction to support them in their activities, especially cooking. He received his Master’s in Computer Science from the University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.